Tag Archives: car repair

DIY weekend 2

This past weekend, we replaced my side mirror.

Thanks to some prior research done by Jan, we knew it would be an easy job. The internet was very helpful in telling us what we needed to do, and we found a good video on Youtube that let us know what to expect. It took 20-30 minutes, mainly due to finding the right tools and me wanting to do the unscrewing and taking off of the parts.

Taking off the door panel
Holding the new mirror
It works!

It was incredibly awesome to be able to say that I didn’t have to go to the shop to do this! Jan’s help and Dad’s tools were invaluable in doing this.

  In most cases I am happy to let someone more experienced to  do something I am unable to do.  Thanks to these two car fixing experiences, I want to fix the things I can figure out.